A quick note to our members about the formal AGM during the coming year. Members will have noticed that 2020 did not include an AGM for the Wirral Society of the Blind and Partially Sighted. We tend to have our AGMs in June/July and, as you will remember, the UK was under serious restrictions throughout much of 2020. The board took the decision to delay the event and, as restrictions were reintroduced later in the year, we found ourselves unable to host an AGM as all attention was focused on keeping our staff and members/volunteers safe and well throughout the year.
In line with advice from the Charities Commission the board took the decision to delay the AGM. Of course all accounts were submitted on time and, should any members wish to view the accounts and/or ask any questions about where we are up to and what decisions are being made then they should feel free to contact us at any point.
Our plan is to host an AGM in June or July 2021. Whether a face to face meeting is possible, only time will tell but, if not, we will host an online meeting and enable as many of our members to take part as possible.
The board would like to thank all of our incredible staff, members and volunteers that have helped keep the show running. We are confident that, once the pandemic has eased, our charity will be in an even stronger position than before we were all asked to stay at home, wear masks and see our friends and families less.
With thanks,
Edward Lamb (Chair of the Board of Trustees)